Ability for Stewardship Admin to download/upload Donor Profiles

I am changing one sentence that appears in all 300 of our Donor Profiles. It would be very efficient to download all our profiles, globally find and replace the sentence, then upload the profiles and be done. Instead, I have to open all 300 profiles and change the sentence one at a time. I can't use the Donor Profiles Worksheet from https://kb.blackbaud.com/knowledgebase/articles/Article/118575 because the profiles have all been edited over time, and there is no current document that contains all the changes except Blackbaud Award Management.

  • Tim N
  • May 11 2021
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" foster-washington
User System Admin
Functional Unit Imports, Donor, Reports
Employee Name Tim
  • Attach files