We are a Stewardship Management only school and think it will be very helpful to add a level of access for our Major Gift Officers. This would allow them access to the backend with the ability to snapshot and publish fund reports (possibly access by assigned prospect/fund). We would like to avoid allowing them access to allow for any emails to be sent from this role.
I see it as if John Smith's prospect pool contains Jane Doe and Jane Doe is the contact for the James Doe Memorial Scholarship. John Smith will have access to snapshot reports for the James Doe Memorial Scholarship, but not have the access to email Jane Doe through the tool and not allowed to be edit any of the financial information related to the James Doe Memorial Scholarship other than snapshotting.
Client Name "shard name" | sjualumni |
User | System Admin |
Employee Name | Christine Barringer |
Update: This page makes it look like there are only two roles in Standalone, IT Admin and System Admin:
Above page should be updated to add Donor Roles, not even sure there should be a System Admin and IT Admin role for Standalone? What can the System Admin do that the Stewardship System Admin cannot do in Standalones?
If you go in to a User Record you DO have the ability to add a Donor Role (select the following roles) IF you set the Administrative Role to "none" first:
Act - Stewardship Administrator
View - Stewardship Administrator
Stewardship System Administrator
All that being said, gift officers should be able to use the Act or View role, no need for specific role imo.
Adding a few different role options would be ideal. :-)
Please add: Cedarville, Coe, Augsburg, afacademyfoundation, framinghamstatefoundation, mcdaniel, sjualumni to this FER.
~Mary T
There are times when clients would like to be able to add other administrators, such as a View Only or limited "act" role. System Admin is not applicable to all administrators in the system. Please add afacademyfoundation to this request.