Update New Data deleting Stewardship Admin updates

If anything changes over on the Award Management side on an applicant's data after they have been moved to a disbursing category and are visible in the Disbursements Grid there will be a "Yes" in the "Application Updated" column in the disbursements grid.

We tell Stewardship Admins that to ensure they have the most up-to-date data on each applicant they should use the Act On Selected>Update New Data functionality on any disbursement with a "Yes" in the "Application Updated" column.

Problem:  Stewardship admins review and revise disbursement data as part of their process (fixing typos in thank you letters, etc.) and are also told not to publish disbursements until they are ready to run reports. When they save these changes in the disbursement it causes a "Yes" to appear in the "Application Updated" column in the disbursements grid.

If the Stewardship Admin uses the Act On Selected>Update New Data functionality on any disbursement with a "Yes" in the "Application Updated" column it deletes the changes they themselves made to the disbursement.  Stewardship Admins spend hours reviewing and revising disbursement data, only to have it wiped out. When they see the "Yes" in that column they don't know what exactly changed - it's possible something changed on the Award side AND in the Disbursement itself.

Is there a way to separate out these two functions? So the disbursement could have the most up-to-date data from the Award side without destroying the updates made on the disbursement?


Or is it possible to actually tell the Stewardship Admin what has changed so they can decide whether to use the "Update New Data" functionality? It seems like we should not give them the ability to inadvertently delete their own work, thinking that they are simply updating award data.


This scenario is documented in screenshots which I'll attach.

Thanks for taking a look, and please let me know if you have any questions.

  • Mary Trautman
  • Aug 21 2019
  • Planned
Client Name "shard name" wisc
User System Admin , Stewardship Admin
Functional Unit Post Acceptance, Donors, Awards, Grids , Donor
Employee Name Mary Trautman
  • Attach files
  • Mary Trautman commented
    August 27, 2019 21:23

    One more thing - this behavior is the same whether the disbursement is published or not...