Allow customization of dashboard cards for Stewardship Management

I believe this is possible in Award Management and we would like the same functionality in Stewardship Management.  

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" uwf
Employee Name Jodi Patek
  • Attach files
  • Micco Fay commented
    October 22, 2021 18:19

    University of Lethbridge is requesting this expanded functionality.

  • Micco Fay commented
    October 22, 2021 18:18

    Allow for the static dashboard cards to have some level of modification based on user need.

    For example, if an institution adds on Stewardship Management after being live on Awards Management for multiple cycles, their SM dashboard will show all their past cycles of disbursements in the "Disbursements to Publish" and "Recipients to Publish" dashboard cards. These disbursements from past cycles (particularly archived ones) need not appear in the dashboard count, but currently, there is no way to remove them.

  • Traci McBee Rowe commented
    January 28, 2021 20:46

    Being able to access information quickly would save me so much time and effort when reviewing thank you notes that have been submitted! This allows me to get information prepared for donors much faster and I have a very tight window to prepare thank you notes for publishing and generating/sharing endowment reports.