Deleted Snapshots should revert "Needs Snapshot" back to "Yes" and update dashboard number

During implementation (and sometimes after) clients often ask us to delete all or some snapshots en masse as they are adjusting their fund fields and updating financials. When we do this, the "Needs Snapshot" column still says "No" because the fund had been snapshotted at one time.

This does not provide accurate information to the Admin, as they can't tell which funds actually have snapshots and which do not.

The Dashboard also has the inaccurate number so they can't rely on just clicking on that number on the dashboard to snapshot all funds that need one.

University of New Haven brought this up, and my current implementation customers have also noticed this.

*Can you also add newhaven to the list of shard names?

  • Mary Trautman
  • Feb 4 2022
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Client Name "shard name" coloradomtn, sjualumni, Other
User System Admin , Stewardship Admin
Functional Unit Donors, Grids , Donor, Reports
Employee Name Mary Trautman
  • Attach files